Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 1, 2012

FrontierVille Makin' Room Storage Expansion Missions: Everything you need to know

While we've been able to expand both our land and our Storage Shed in FrontierVille in the past, in an effort to de-clutter our homesteads, with Zynga releasing so many new buildings, and so many new decorations, the current limit of 35 items in storage simply wasn't cutting it. Luckily, Zynga has addressed this issue in a big, big way, with the release of repeatable Mega Storage Missions in the game (as Zynga is lovingly calling them).

When the update hits your game, you'll see a pop-up like the one above, introducing you to these new, repeatable, missions. These repeatable missions (did I mention they were repeatable?) will allow you to add 15 spaces of storage each time you complete them, and there currently doesn't appear to be a limit on how big your Storage Shed can get (either that or even Zynga hasn't decided what it should be yet). Do you know what this means pioneers?! It means that we're potentially looking at unlimited storage in FrontierVille, with a couple of catches.

First, these missions will take quite a bit of time and materials on your part (I hope you've been saving up coins and wood). Secondly, you'll be subject to a "Storage Expansion Timer," which will only allow you to move onto your next expansion once every four days. You can, of course, pay Horseshoes to unlock a new set of missions earlier, if you wish.

So what exactly does it take to expand your Storage Shed into the "mega" storage range? Meet us behind the break for all of the details.
The Storage Expansion Mission has three parts. Part I of III is called Stacking Wood, and it has you chopping down trees on your own Homestead, and while it might seem like a tedious task, believe me - you'll need the wood you receive from doing so.

Chop Trees 50 Times on your Homestead
Visit 25 Neighbors
Have 25 Cloth

You don't have to actually do anything at your neighbors' homesteads, luckily enough, so just visit and move onto the next. As for the trees, each individual chop on a tree counts, so if you have full-grown trees, these can of course count for more than one chop if you entirely remove them. If you're a stickler for a clear homestead, though, remember that you can receive free trees for turning in either the Pine Tree or the Oak Tree collection, or you can simply purchase the saplings in the market. Your rewards for finishing this first mission are 300 XP and 100 Food. You'll be able to share some Cloth with your neighbors.

Part II of III will take you some time, as, even if you complete two of the steps, you physically can't complete the third in a single day (without the aid of Horseshoes). This mission, called Mortise and Tenon, requires the following three tasks be completed:

Have or Craft 100 Planks
Have 16 Tools
Collect Two Storage Shed Bonuses

The Storage Shed Bonus can only be collected once every day, and if you've already collected it before starting this mission, you'll be put even further behind. As for the Planks, they can be crafted inside the Covered Wagon for 7 wood and 250 coins each. That's 700 wood, if you currently own zero planks - hence my saying I hope you've been saving up. As for the Tools, you'll be able to earn these from your friends if they hire you, or visit you and happen to receive that as the random bonus they can leave behind. Finishing this second quest rewards you with 400 XP and 800 coins. You'll be able to share Tools with your friends.

This brings us to the final part of the Mission portion of Storage Shed expansion (oh yes, there's more). Part III asks you to complete three more steps:

Clear 15 Debris on your Homestead
Craft 8 Sawhorses
Expand your Storage Shed

Sawhorses can be crafted inside the Barn using, wait for it, more Planks. I suppose this is why Zynga only takes 50 of your 100 Planks when completing the last mission. You'll also need to use up the Tools you just gathered from the previous mission, as Sawhorses take 5 Planks and 2 Tools each to craft.

As for the actual expansion of your Storage Shed, you'll need to gather six construction materials, in a same fashion as when you first build the average building in FrontierVille. To start, you'll need to gather 10 Shelves, 10 Bins, and 10 Padlocks by sending out individual requests to your friends. Three more items are 5 Elbow Grease, 5 Cement and 5 Carpenter Pencils, all of which can be asked for in a general news item on your feed.

Here's where things get tricky. The first time you complete these three missions, and collect all of the construction materials to physically expand, you will receive 15 extra storage spaces inside the Storage Shed. That's all well and good, but when four days have passed and you go to work on another expansion, this final building step will have changed, becoming incrementally more difficult each time you complete it. This is due to the fact that each of the six construction materials will be required in quantities that are two units higher than previously.

As an example, since you only needed to collect 10 and 5 of each ingredient the first time, when it comes time to expand again, you'll need to gather 12 Shelves, Bins, and Padlocks, and 7 each of Elbow Grease, Cement and Carpenter Pencils. On your third expansion, you'll need 14 and 9 of each, and so on.

As you can see, expanding your Storage Shed to any great number will likely take you quite a bit of time, as you'll need to gather the wood and tools necessary to create Planks and Sawhorses, not to mention the time it will take to request more and more collectible items from friends. We can't really complain though - we'd much rather be spending time completing these missions than trying to find places to "hide" seasonal decorations because we don't want to sell them.

What do you think of this new storage shed expansion ability? Are the quests too demanding, or are you willing to do whatever it takes to receive more room on your homestead?

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